
Global Styles and Components

Global Fonts
Primary Font.
Secondary Font
Text Font
Accent Font
Global Colors

Note: This section is using Alternate Background Color for the background.

This is the global style for Primary Color

This is the global style for Secondary Color

This is the global style for Text Color

This is the global style for Accent Color

This is the global style for Accent Light Color

This is the global style for Accent #2 Color

This is the global style for Alternate Color

This is the global style for Accent Background Color

This is the global style for Dark Background Color


This is the global style for Heading 1 tag (h1)

This is the global style for Heading 2 tag (h2)

This is the global style for Heading 3 tag (h3)

This is the global style for Heading 4 tag (h4)

This is the global style for Heading 5 tag (h5)
This is the global style for Heading 6 tag (h6)

This is the global style for Paragraph tag (p). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget felis non sem blandit tristique quis in erat. Vivamus vel vehicula quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

This is the global style for Bold tag (strong)

This is the global style for Italic tab (i)

This is the global style for Underline tab (u)

This is the global style for Link tab (a href=”#”)

Note: The text elements’ color in section are overridden with white (#ffffff). This section is using Secondary Color for the background.

This is the global style for Heading 1 tag (h1)

This is the global style for Heading 2 tag (h2)

This is the global style for Heading 3 tag (h3)

This is the global style for Heading 4 tag (h4)

This is the global style for Heading 5 tag (h5)
This is the global style for Heading 6 tag (h6)

This is the global style for Paragraph tag (p). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget felis non sem blandit tristique quis in erat. Vivamus vel vehicula quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

"Harness Icons" Custom Icon Library

Note: This section is using Alternate Background Color for the background with a background overlay of an image.

Logo SVG